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Image by Glenn Carstens-Peters


The MilitaryOneSource website is full of resources that are available to assist military families. From therapies to support events, the assistance provided by MilitaryOneSource can be helpful for so many who aren't sure where to go to find support for their daily needs.

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No solider should ever feel alone. In the J1:9 program, volunteers write letters and send encouraging words to soldiers-in-training, active and reserve soldiers, and those deployed. If you are interested in becoming a volunteer, click for more information.
Joshua 1:9

Prayer Group

Bible Study

Our bible studies are weekly and occur online or in-person depending on the group. Please let us know your availability and meeting preference when contacting us to join a group.


Acts 4:46-47 (NIV)

46 Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, 47 praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.

Family Portrait

More Resources

Find more military resources here. These resources have been provided to Faith Filled Spouses by third party organizations. Faith Filled Spouses does not have any direct affiliations with these services. 


Bible Program

Please contact us if you are interested in receiving a free bible. Our bibles are the NIV version and come with a Faith Filled Spouses bookmark to help you save your place or mark your favorite verse!

Online Shopping


Faith Filled Spouses is completely donor funded and volunteer organized. Provided here is information on how you can donate or become a volunteer.


100% of donations go to ministry support!

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