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Tisha Lema


In fall 2020, my husband (at the age of 34) decided to follow his dream and join the Army before he aged out. Being together for nearly 10 years, I knew this transition would not be easy as we had never been apart as long as I knew he would be away. Suffering separation anxieties, unexpected financial struggles, and mourning the temporary loss of partnership, I felt like my world was ending. It was only through my faith and the support of others who had been in my shoes that I was able to find peace and hope throughout this journey. I founded Faith Filled Spouses (and families) to provide the type of support that helped me and so many other spouses I met and continue to meet. Because this journey doesn't end, it just keeps getting better.


Casey Zadinski


My name is Casey Zadinski and I’m so excited to lead J1:9 ministry! In 2019, I became an orphan when my father lost his battle with cancer. At age 22, five days after graduation, I had to figure out how to live without the love and support of my immediate family. Since then, I have become passionate about reaching people that feel alone, forgotten, or lost. Our service men and women take immense sacrifices each day. None of them should feel they are walking in that journey alone. I hope this ministry serves to help provide a special type of family for our active service members that otherwise have no support of their own. By providing consistent support, we can illustrate God’s never ending presence in our lives and spread His love to others.

Our Story: Welcome
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